Take advantage of the simplicity of the new option

Because we are always with you, we have created a simple application process that you can implement through the “Sa nama na putu” mobile application. Download the latest app version and, in the “More” option, select that you want to receive a fiscal invoice to your email address.

Is your email address registered?

If you want to receive an electronic invoice, you need to register your email address. Check in the “Profile” section in the Sa nama na putu application whether you have a registered email address and whether it is correct. If your email address is not registered, you can do it very easily in the Sa nama na putu application.

Enter the email address to which you want to receive the fiscal invoice and you will receive a code that you need to enter in the corresponding field. The registration process is done only once, and if you change your email address, you can start this process again.

Let's reduce paper consumption together - save the nature

In addition to the fact that the process of issuing electronic invoices is faster and easier, this way we significantly reduce paper consumption and exposure to harmful materials. By choosing this option, we protect nature and each other.

If you change your mind after signing up for this option, you can return to the possibility of printing a receipt at the cash register at any time.